Monday, 9 April 2018

Online Discussion Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism

Online Discussion:

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's academy Award for her documentary, A Girl in the River, has been much celebrated  at home. Which portrays the negative but real image of Pakistan. In which we find hero honer killing is happening in Pakistan and also it tells the poor condition of woman. Like her first Oscar winning documentary saving face, which spolit the horror of acid attack, this too is a visceral urgent piece of film making.   

In Pakistan Culture Tradition government  and religious law have all been in cahoots honor violance and "A Girl in the River" is pulling the rug out from under that allicence.

Postcolonial perspective, you can see that people think they show negative side of India for many writers and directors. And westerners give them big awards and at the same time they are happy to see India's bad condition. But in reality this is not true because this is a half-true because the writers and directors show images of nation.

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