Friday, 15 March 2019

Rivers & Tides: Documentary

Rivers and Tides: Documentary

Here I share my view about the documentary: Rivers and Tides. On 14th march department has organized screening of the Documentary = River and Tides present by Dr. Dilip Barad the head of the department.

This documentary is about the concept of a 'Time' by Andy Goldsworthy. He works in nature, and his works are ultimately nature as well. Using water, snow, stone, and dirt etc...

Andy Galdsworthy is a British artist who creates sculptures from items found in nature. Unlike most sculptures, Goldsworthy creates work that he knows will be destroyed by nature relatively quickly. He has photographed many of his works and has held exhibition primarily featuring photographs of his sculptures.

The works really explore the limits of the materials. He take something simple like how rocks or leaves various and in color and transform.

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